Saturday, November 22, 2008

What’s up that Puppet's Butt?

Back in the early 1970’s Picard Maneuver went through some rough times. Adam and Mike split up for a little while due to “creative differences”, and “who is the heart-throb?” (neither).

Too make ends meet, Mike occasionally sat in as bottom left square on “Hollywood Squares”, while Adam took work as Mary Tyler Moore’s body double. Their other biggest problem was that they were technically not born yet. But that didn’t stop them from producing gut wrenching war protesting comedy.

By 1975 Mike and Adam decided to put their differences aside (Brawny vs. the more expensive generic brand?) and got the act back together. During this time they auditioned for the parts guest host on The Muppet Show, “Corn Stalk #1 and #2” on He-Haw, and Darrel #4 and #5 on Bewitched.

While auditioning at the Muppet Theatre, Adam and Mike witnessed a historical event. Amazingly, very few Muppets have ever been rejected from the rigorous audition process to work on Sesame Street (The questions include: “What color is your blue shirt?” and “How many feet do you have?.. None. That is correct.”). But Picard Maneuver witnessed the sad event of rejection that day when “Danny the Dyslexic Muppet” did not pass his screen test. A photo of Danny:

And in case you were wondering, the story does have a happy ending. Adam took pity on the poor Muppet that day, and gave him a job. He is Adam’s personal spelling checker to thes day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
