Friday, January 9, 2009

Bloody Good Nerds

BURBANK, CA- Picard Maneuver is going International! First the House of Pancakes, and now England!

(And, yes, they serve Pancakes in England- we checked: They are delious. In fact, the Tuesday before Valentine's Day is “Pancake Day” in England. Which proves that we should have never seperated from them.)

So, pancakes aside, why is Picard Maneuver so in love with England?

In recent weeks the Picard Maneuver Blog has become popular, or at very least “accidentally clicked on” various times, in our fine mother country of England! This is very good news because it means that we can eat tea and crumpets now without the guilt... Once we figure out what a “crumpet” is.

If you’re wondering why we have become “famous” over seas, we have narrowed it down to two very logical reasons. 1. Our classy sense of humor and quick wit, or 2. Net Nanny redirects all searches for a very popular porn star named “Picard Maneuver” to our site.

(SIDE NOTE: You should have seen how many hits our web site used to get when we were called “Topless Entertainment”)

According to our site tracking meter, we have had several hits from places like Brighton, East Sussex; Grays, Thurrock; and Lichfield, Staffordshire, which is, just off the top of my head, situated 25 km (16 miles) north of Birmingham and 200 km (124 miles) northwest of central London… give or take a metric system or two.

Personally, we happen to think “Lichfield” sounds a lot more like a porn star name than “Picard Maneuver”.

So, we would like to welcome you, our brothers and sisters in England! Thank you for joining us. It looks like Adam’s intense, and almost somewhat unnatural love for ELO has finally paid off. Thank you for stopping by! Leave us a comment or send us an e-mail at , because we would love to hear from you- and we need the validation.

P.S. If it helps our English popularity, Mike and I were in a short lived Beatles cover band called “Norwegian Wood” (which would also make a great Porn Star name).

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